Books, as an author or an editor
- Ninon Dubourg, Disabled Clerics in the Late Middle Ages, Un/suitable for divine service?, Amsterdam University Press, 2023 (introduction in open access).
- Ninon Dubourg and Wendy Turner (eds.), A Cultural History of Madness – Volume on the Middle Ages, Bloomsbury (contract already signed with Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2024).
- Ninon Dubourg and Christophe Masson (eds.), Disability and War, Arc Humanity Press (contract to be issued in June 2023, forthcoming 2025).
- Gildas Brégain and Ninon Dubourg (eds.), Pour une nouvelle histoire du handicap, Presses Universitaires de Rennes (manuscript will be sent to the editor in December 2023, forthcoming 2025).
Edition of journal issues
- Ninon Dubourg and Adelheid Russenberg (eds.), The Borders of Disability and Ability, Ill-Health and Health, journal Social History of Medicine, Oxford Academic (approbation of the editors, forthcoming).
- with Maria Podzorova (eds), “Utiliser l’histoire: regards croisés sur la discipline historique” (Using History: A cross-section of the historical discipline), Encyclo, Revue de l’École doctorale ED 382, 2018, n° 9, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris (online).
- with Delphine Piétu and Maria Podzorova (eds), “Habiter: lieux de vie et façons de vivre. Une approche pluridisciplinaire du quotidien” (Living: places to live and ways to live. A multidisciplinary approach to everyday life), Encyclo, Revue de l’ED 382, 2016, n° 6, Université Paris 7, Paris (online).
Journal articles (peer-reviewed)
- Ninon Dubourg, “Deformitas et célébration de l’eucharistie dans le droit canon medieval”, in I. G. Mastrorosa, Deformitas e diritto (forthcoming 2023);
- (Ageing and Religious experiences during the Late Middle Ages – How elderly people were involved in everyday conventual life), in M. Comas-Via and A. Rosillo-Luque (eds.), Quaderni di storia religiosa medieval (forthcoming 2023);
- with Megan Katheb, “Témoignages médiévaux de la privation des sens. Empreintes matérielles de la cécité et de la mutité à l’époque médiévale” (Medieval evidence of sensory deprivation. Material traces of blindness and mute in the medieval period), in V. Delattre (ed.), Les Nouvelles de l’archéologie, n°165, September 2021, p. 62-67 (online);
- “Position de thèse” (Thesis position), Alter, European Society for Disability Research, Vol. 14-3, Sept. 2020, pp. 226-235 (online behind paywall);
- “Émasculations cléricales, Itinéraires particuliers pour aborder l’identité du clerc émasculé (xiie-xve siècle)” (Clerical emasculations, Particular itineraries to approach the identity of the emasculated cleric (12e-15e c.)), in M.-L. Fieyre, “Itinéraires particuliers, identités singulières” (particular itineraries, singular identities), Encylo, Revue de l’ ED 382, 2014,n°4, University Paris 7, Paris, p. 89-101 (online).
Handbook chapters (peer-reviewed)
- Ninon Dubourg, “Disability and religious practices”, in C. Lee and J. Kuuliala, The Routledge Handbook of Medieval Disability, Routledge (forthcoming 2024);
- with Laura Cayrol Bernardo, “Old Age and Medicine”, in L. Laumonier and J. Rosenthal (eds.), A Cultural History of Old Age, Bloomsbury (forthcoming 2023);
- “European Medieval Disability History: An Overview”, in Handbook of Critical Disability Studies, S. Scalenghe and G. Reaume, volume on Disability History, Springer Nature, 2022 (online);
- “Being a Leprous Cleric: a social rejection? (xiiith and xivth centuries)”, in Dis/ability History der Vormoderne. Ein Handbuch – Premodern Dis/ability History. A Companion, C. Nolte, B. Frohne, U. Halle and S. Kerth (eds), Didymos, Affalterbach, 2017, p. 272-273.
Book chapters (peer-reviewed)
- “The ‘Blind’, the ‘Deaf” and the ‘Dumb’. Liturgical Practices of Sensory and Mentally Disabled People”, in Z. Murat, S. Carreño, and V. Baradel (eds.), The Role of the Senses in Medieval Liturgies and Rituals, Brepols (forthcoming 2024);
- “Fasting and the shortage of olive oil in the cold regions in the 15th century. Health and salvation through the grace of the Apostolic Penitentiary”, in N. Dahn-Singh, M. Favre, G. Favrod and L. Rappo (eds.), Santé des corps, salut des âmes: soins et religion en milieu rural, Brepols (forthcoming 2024);
- “Expertis medicis videatur: Legal Medical Expertise in the Assessment of Personal Injury Damages by the Apostolic Chancery during the Avignon Period (1309-1378)”, in W. Turner, Art of Illness, Routledge (forthcoming 2023);
- “Un/Acceptable Disability? Defectus Corporis, Scandalum, and Pontifical Grace”, in Materializing Ugliness and Deformity in the Middle Ages, T. Artimon and A. Znorovszky (eds), Trivent Publishing, Budapest, (forthcoming 2023);
- “L’incapacité dans les lettres de dispenses pontificales: aller à l’encontre de la réglementation ecclésiastique médiévale pour franchir la clôture” (Incapacity in the pontifical letters: going against medieval ecclesiastical regulations to cross the enclosure), in A. Burkardt and A. Roger (eds.), L’exception et la Règle, les pratiques d’entrée et de sortie des couvents, de la fin du Moyen Âge au XIXe siècle, Presse universitaire de Rennes, Rennes, 2022, p. 41-54 (online);
- “Clerical Leprosy and the Ecclesiastical Office: Dis/Ability and Canon Law”, in New Approaches to Disease, Disability and Medicine in Medieval Europe, coll. Studies in Early Medicine, E. Connelly and S. Künzel (eds), Archaeopress, Oxford, 2018, p. 62-77 (online);
- “Deo iudicio percusset, L’idée de contamination d’après les suppliques et les lettres pontificales” (The idea of contamination according to the petitions and pontifical letters), in Alter-habilitas. Perception of disability among people, S. Carraro (ed), Alteritas, Vérone, 2018, p. 89-114 (online);
- “Aux origines du handicap à l’époque médiévale. Lectures d’une source historique, les dispenses pontificales aux xiiie et xive siècles” (On the origins of disability in medieval times. Readings from a historical source, the pontifical letters from the 13-14 centuries), in Travaux en cours, 2017, n°13, University Paris 7, Paris, p. 101-114 (online).
Book reviews
+ Critical notes and book reviews (for Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales ; Canadian Bulletin of Medical History ; Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique ; Sehepunkte, Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften ; Le Moyen Âge, Revue d’histoire et de philologie ; Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences ; Memini Travaux et documents) (15+).
In the process of being published
- Recension de Sari Katajala-Peltomaa, Jenni Kuuliala et Iona McCleery(dir.), A Companion to Medieval Miracle Collections, Berlin-Boston, Brill, 2021, dans Le Moyen Âge, Revue d’histoire et de philologie, De Boeck Supérieur ;
- Recension de Costanza Gislon Dopfel, Alessandra Foscati, Charles Burnett (dir.), Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Premodern World, Turnhout, Brepols, 2019, dans Le Moyen Âge, Revue d’histoire et de philologie, De Boeck Supérieur ;
- Recension de Benjamin Wheaton, Suffering, Not Power. Atonement in the Middle Ages, Bellingham (WA), Lexham Academic, 2022, dans Le Moyen Âge, Revue d’histoire et de philologie, De Boeck Supérieur.
- Recension d’Arnaud Fossier, Le bureau des âmes – Ecritures et pratiques administratives de la Pénitencerie apostolique (XIIIe-XIVe siècle), Ecole Française de Rome, Rome, 2018, dans Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (online);
- Recension de Lisa Devriese (dir.), The Body as a Mirror of the Soul : Physiognomy from Antiquity to the Renaissance, Leuven University Press, 2021, dans la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, Louvain Journal of Church History, Université catholique de Louvain – la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Volume 117, issue 3-4, 2022, p. 795-797 (En ligne) ;
- Recension de Patrick Zutshi (dir.), The Avignon Popes and Their Chancery. Collected Essays, Sismel, 2021, dans la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, Louvain Journal of Church History, Université catholique de Louvain – la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, vol. 117/1-2, 2022, p. 362-367 (En ligne) ;
- Recension de Glenn D. Burger et Holly A. Crocker (dir.), Medieval Affect, Feeling, and Emotion, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2019 pour Sehepunkte – Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften (En ligne) ;
- Recension de Donna Trembinski, Illness and Authority. Disability in the Life and Lives of Francis of Assisi, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2020”, for the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, University of Toronto Press, vol. 39/1, avril 2022, p. 180-182 (En ligne) ;
- “review of Jenny Kuuliala, Saints, Infirmity, and Community in the Late Middle Ages, Amsterdam, Amsterdam UP, 2020” for the journal Le Moyen Âge, Revue d’histoire et de philologie, De Boeck Supérieur, n° 2021/3-4 (Tome CXXVII) (online behind paywall);
- “review of Sara Ritchey and Sharon Strocchia (eds), Gender, Health, and Healing, 1250-1550, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2020” for the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Oxford, Oxford University Press, n°77-2, p. 247-249 (online);
- “review of Glenn D. Burger and Holly A. Crocker (eds.), Medieval Affect, Feeling, and Emotion, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019” for the online journal Sehepunkte, Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften (online);
- “review of Donna Trembinski, Illness and Authority. Disability in the Life and Lives of Francis of Assisi, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2020”, for the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, University of Toronto Press, vol. 39/1, April 2022, p. 180-182 (online);
- “review of Miri Rubin (ed.), Modus Vivendi. Religious Reform and the Laity in Late Medieval Europe, Viella historical research, 19, Roma, Viella, 2020” for the Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, Louvain Journal of Church History, Université catholique de Louvain – la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2021, 116 (3-4), p. 980-983 (online);
- “review of Florent Coste (ed), L’Inflammatorium pœnitentiæ. Le vice de l’acédie et les vertus de l’imagination, Genève, Droz, 2019”, for the Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, Louvain Journal of Church History, Université catholique de Louvain – la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2021, 116 (1-2), p. 459-461 (online behind paywall);
- “review of Alain Froment, and Hervé Guy (eds), Archéologie de la santé, anthropologie du soin, Paris, La découverte, 2019”, for the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, University of Toronto Press, Vol. 37-2, 2020, p. 516-519 (online);
- “review of Jenny Kuuliala, Childhood Disability and Social Integration in the Middle Ages: Constructions of Impairments in Thirteenth and Fourteenth‑Century Canonization Processes, Turnhout, Brepols, 2016”, for the journal Le Moyen Âge, Revue d’histoire et de philologie, De Boeck Supérieur, 2020/1 (Tome CXXVI), p. 194-197;
- “review of Maud Ternon, Juger les fous au Moyen Âge dans les tribunaux royaux en France: xive-xve siècles, Paris, PUF, 2018”, for the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, University of Toronto Press, spring/printemps 2019, Volume 36, Issue 1, p. 244-247 (online);
- “review of Elizabeth W. Mellyn, Mad Tuscans and Their Families: A History of Mental Disorder in Early Modern Italy, Philadelphie, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014”, for the journal Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 2018, 73(2), p. 521-522 (online);
- “review of Damien Boquet, Piroska Nagy, Sensible Moyen Âge, Une histoire des émotions dans l’Occident médiéval, L’Univers historique, Paris, Seuil, 2015”, for the journal Memini Travaux et documents, 2017, p. 22-23 (online).