Manager of the research blog Hypothèses History of Disease, Disability & Medicine in Medieval Europe.
Job experiences
Since the 1st October 2024: Alexander von Humboldt fellow – University of Cologne (Germany)
2021-2024: F.R.S.-FNRS Chargée de recherche (Postdoctoral fellow) – Research Unit “Transitions” – University of Liège (Belgium)
2019-2021 : European Projects Follow-up (administrative position at the Grant Office) at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris.
2019-2021: Several times ranked for postdoctoral fellowships (selection).
- First on the waiting list for TIAS, Turku (Finland) (2020),
- First on the waiting list for Reinforcing Women in Research, Vienne (Austria) (2020),
- Seal of Excellence MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship (2019), Tampere (Finland).
2019-2021: Independent French Teacher of Literature (200 hours of teaching) – Acadomia (Group courses for French baccalaureate students).
2018-2019 : Temporary teaching, Université Paris CIté (63 hours of teaching).
2015-2017 : Temporary teaching and research position (ATER) in medieval history, Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7 (384 hours of teaching).
2012-2015 : Recipient doctoral student of the l’École Doctorale Économies, Espaces, Sociétés, Civilisations (ED 382) at the Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7, laboratory ICT (Identités, Cultures et Territoires, EA 337) in medieval history under the supervision of Didier Lett (Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7) (96 hours of traching).
Entitled “‘Ad obsequium divinum inhabilem’ The Recognition of the disabled person’s condition by the Papal Chancery (12th-14th century)”, my dissertation seeks to question the integration of disabled persons into the clergy and the secular society, but also the utility that the Church withdraws from going against the laws it has enacted. Documents from Vatican Archives’ petition and letter registers, between norms and practices, allow researchers to see how the disabled person, whether cleric or secular, relies on the institution of which she is part to frame her life – and, conversely, to capture the gaze of the institution on these people.
2010-2012 : Research master History – history of art, Antiquity – Middle Ages, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III. Dissertation on Les clercs handicapés et infirmes au xiiie siècle, à travers les lettres de dispense d’Innocent III (1198-1216) et de Boniface VIII (1294-1303), defended in front of Julien Théry and Daniel Le Blévec.
Institutional responsibilities
09/2021 – 08/2023 Member of the Management and Scientific Councils, UR “Transitions”.
09/2013 – 06/2017 Substitute delegate for PhD students from the École Doctorale 382.
09/2014 – 06/2016 Delegate of the doctoral students of the laboratory ICT – UPC.
Integration in international networks
2021 – Today Co-funder (with Gildas Brégain) of the Réseau des chercheurs francophones en histoire du handicap et de la surdité (Network of French-speaking researchers on history of disability and deafness).
2015 – Today Member of the network « Jeunes chercheurs Handicap(s) et Sociétés, Programme Handicaps et Sociétés », EHESS, Paris.
2013 – Today Associate member of the research group “Homo debilis. Dis/ability in Pre-Modern Societies”, Bremen University.
2013 – 2016 Mentee of the American Historical Association Committee on Disability, Disability History Mentorship program (mentor: Catherine KUDLICK).

Organisation and coordination of scientific works
2022-2024 Co-organisation of the webinar “Disability & War” with C. Masson (FRS-FNRS – ULiège)
2021-2025 Co-organisation of the hybrid seminar “Construire une histoire du handicap et de la surdité au travers des siècles” (Building a history of disability and deafness through the centuries) (EHESS UE79) with F. Bertin (EHESS) and G. Brégain (CNRS).
07/2023 Co-organisation of one session composed by two panels entitled “Ageing and Care in the Middle Ages” with Laura Cayrol-Bernardo (Bergen), 3-6 July 2023, International Medieval Congress of Leeds, Leeds;
06/2023 Co-organisation of one session for the international conference ALTER, the European Society for Disability Research, Aubervilliers, 2023.
06/2023 Co-organisation of the International Conference “Histories of Disability & Emotions” with S. Scalenghe, (Loyola University) and P. Verstraete (KULeuven), KU Leuven and ULiège;
07/2022 Co-organisation of one session composed by three panels entitled “The Borders of Disability and Ability, Ill-Health and Health” with Adelheid Russenberg (UCLondon), 4-7 July 2022, International Medieval Congress of Leeds, Leeds;
2021-2022 Help in the organisation of the seminar “corps empêchés” (impaired bodies) in Angers in the framework of the ANR Fil_IAM of Carole Avignon, University of Angers;
03/2017 Presentation of the last works of Henri-Jacques Stiker around a meeting with the author, “Anthropologie et histoire du handicap” (Anthropology and Disability History), UPC, Paris;
09/2015 Workshop “Utiliser l’Histoire: regards croisés sur la discipline historique” (Using History: A Cross-Review of the Historical Discipline), UPC;
09/2014 Workshop “Habiter: lieux de vie et façons de vivre. Une approche pluridisciplinaire du quotidien” (Living: places to live and ways to live. A multidisciplinary approach to everyday life), UPC.
2013 Conducting a survey of students enrolled in the first year of the degree in history and their representations of medieval and contemporary history, presented at the General Assembly of the Department of History, Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7, 20 February 2014 (with Delphine Piétu).
Outreach activities
Critical notes and book reviews (for Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales ; Canadian Bulletin of Medical History ; Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique ; Sehepunkte, Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften ; Le Moyen Âge, Revue d’histoire et de philologie ; Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences ; Memini Travaux et documents) (15+).
Management of the research blog History of Disease, Disability & Medicine in Medieval Europe).
Article “handicap” (disability) on the Francophone website Menestrel.
Academic Twitter threads for “en direct du labo” (live from the lab, May 2019, audience 644,000) and “Tweeting Historians” (June 2022, audience 200,000).
Blog’s articles:
- Medieval physical and mental disability and its representation in the TV-show Game of Thrones – “Actuel Moyen Âge” (Lived Middle Ages), 20th June 2019.
- Medieval representation(s) of disability – Nicolas d’Orgemont « le Boiteux » example – “Actuel Moyen Âge” (Lived Middle Ages), August 26, 2021.
- The long history of disabled Catholic priests – revue Diè, December 23, 2021.
- Disability and video games: the road to accessibility – revue Diè, March 22, 2022.
Research funding and grants
03/2022 Research Grant, Stipendia Academiae Belgicae/Rome/Italy (1 month duration).
10/2021 Chargée de recherche (postdoctoral fellow) from the F.R.S.-FNRS (3 years duration).
09/2016 Temporary teaching and research position (ATER – 1 year duration).
09/2015 Temporary teaching and research position (ATER – 1 year duration).
09/2012 Recipient doctoral student (3 years duration).
04/2017 Fellowship, French School of Rome/Rome/Italy (1 month duration).
04/2016 Fellowship, French School of Rome/Rome/Italy (1 month duration).
11/2014 Fellowship, French School of Rome/Rome/Italy (1 month duration).
06/2014 Grant to participate to the workshop History and Computer Science, Textometry of Historical Sources, French School of Rome, Rome (1 week duration).
03/2014 Training course in medieval diplomacy organized by the GDR (research group) 3177 “Diplomatique”, CNRS, in the National archives, Paris (3 days duration).